Rossen Tzartzev

Rossen Tzartzev - Director of Utilities for Engineering, Strategic Programs & Process Improvement

Rossen Tzartzev poses for a headshot.

About Rossen

Rossen is the Director of Utilities Engineering, Strategic Programs & Process Improvement for UT Austin’s Utilities and Energy Management (UEM). He has worked for the university for 15 years and has served in various capacities during his tenure, beginning as a student employee and later as a Power Systems Engineer before his current role.   

Highly experienced and educated, Rossen holds a Bachelor's, Master’s, and Doctorate Degree in Electrical Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. 

Driven by curiosity and the desire to find new ways of creating value, he is currently focusing on a Critical Infrastructure Assessment to drive investment where it can be most impactful on campus. 


Rossen’s Areas of Expertise 

  • Power System Design & Analysis  

  • Troubleshooting & Root Cause Analysis 

  • Creative Problem Solving 

  • Team Development & Management 

  • Microgrid Design, Innovation & Operation 

  • District Energy Systems & Energy Storage 

  • Integration of Distributed Generation 

  • Strategic Planning 

About Utilities Engineering, Strategic Programs & Process Improvement

Oversees strategic initiatives aligned with the University’s 10-year strategic plan. It includes a Process Improvement team alongside existing Engineering and Strategic Programs.

Engineering, Strategic Programs & Process Improvement Leadership Team

Refer to Utilities Engineering, Strategic Programs & Process Improvement for more team details.

Contact Information

Office Phone: 512-471-4467