Since 2008, The University of Texas at Austin has made big strides in green building new construction thanks to the Campus Sustainability Policy that was adopted that same year. According to the policy, all new buildings are designed to achieve the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) SILVER standard as defined by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) with the goal of minimizing the environmental footprint of the campus.
What Is LEED
LEED is the most widely used green building rating system in the world, and it promotes sustainability in buildings by recognizing performance in key areas. Utilities & Energy Management (UEM) is committed to helping new campus construction meet LEED standards. If your project is pursuing certification under LEED 2009 or LEED v4, please reference the documents below. Note: The registration close date for all LEED 2009 rating systems is October 31, 2016. The last day projects can submit for certification, also called the sunset date is June 30, 2021.
In 2020, UT Austin renewed its Performance Excellence in Electricity Renewal (PEER) certification, this time at the platinum level. Back in 2014, the university had been recognized as the first PEER-certified campus in the world due to our sustainable electricity system design. Modeled after the USGBC LEED green building rating system, PEER is a certification program that measures and improves power system performance and electricity delivery systems.
Read more about our PEER certification.
Watch Juan Ontiveros, former Associate Vice President for Utilities & Energy Management, explain the benefits of PEER at UT Austin and our commitment to constantly improve the energy industry.